Q1: Identify major ethical dilemmas of the past decade 2000s and discuss the key business ethics development. Reflection tip: Which aspects of the decade 2000s did you connect with the most and why? How does the ethical dilemma of the decade 2000s impact you in the present?
Q2: Access Code of Conduct/Ethics from your relevant Professional Body or APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and answer the following question.
1. What are the fundamental principles of conduct or ethics relevant to your chosen profession?( My chosen profession Accounting Profession)
2. Do you currently meet these fundamental principles of conduct or ethics? If not, what professional development do you need? How do you intend to meet them? Reflection tip: Which principles you currently meet and the ones you need development in what plans you have for your development (even if you are not in the accounting profession, these principles are important in all other disciplines too)
Q3 View Supplementary videos – Please summarise one to two key points on the following three videos:
A)SABC Digital News | Accounting and Auditing professional bodies to help fight corruption
B) Association for Project Management | Professional Bodies, what role do they play in building and maintaining world-class competence?
C) Niobe Elliott | Professional Bodies ICT
Reflection tip: How have you started to think about ethical issues facing your career after watching the videos? What issues may relate to your chosen career, and how can we address them?
Q4 Videos from CNN and ABC News on Ethics –
1. How to buy ethical chocolate video
A) Do you think chocolate makers like Cadbury and Nestle should be held accountable for the actions of their suppliers? Is it their responsibility to ensure that their suppliers produce cocoa without using child labour of child slave labour?
B) If you were Nestle’s CEO, what would you do? Buy the more expensive FairTrade cocoa, or continue to buy the less expensive, less ethical cocoa?
2. Fire Kills Over 100 Factory Workers in Bangladesh video How can companies like Tommy Hilfiger and Wal-Mart emphasise to their employees the importance of choosing suppliers that behave ethically? Discuss how an organisation’s culture can help dictate employee behaviour. Reflection tip: How have you started to think about ethical issues facing your career after watching the videos? What issues may relate to your chosen career, and how can we address them?