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Respond to classmate. Professional nursing organizations are vital..

Respond to classmate.

Professional nursing organizations are vital at the national, state, and international levels. They provide continuing education, networking, educational conferences, certification opportunities, career assistance, resources, newsletters with practice-related articles, and role-related competencies. They are instrumental to our profession as they improve healthcare by advocating for social justice locally, nationally, and internationally. They help decision-makers understand what we do and why it is essential. With the healthcare climate changing nearly every day, these organizations help encourage evidence-based practice and promote it to their members. They will often offer annual nursing conferences that allow nurses to collaborate and share best practices and educational ideas. Most importantly, nursing specialties network in these organizations and allow a unified voice in local, state, and national political arenas, showing commitment to our profession and participating in its advancement.

Nursing organizations support advocacy for patient care by bringing topics concerning patient and staff safety to light, bringing legislation and regulations into place, and allowing its members to meet the requirements of state nursing acts, standards of clinical practice, and code of ethics. These organizations’ advocation promotes patient safety by analyzing and documenting patient outcomes and the promotion of accreditation and credentialing. Reforms necessary to improve our healthcare system can be initiated or enhanced by professional nursing organizations as they allow nurses to bring the discrimination, bias, and poor patient outcomes they see daily into the light to drive change.