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The economics research group from Q3 also obtained, from their…

The economics research group from Q3 also obtained, from their random sample of 300 New Zealand adults, data on each individual’s total annual income (rounded to the nearest $1,000) and total debt (rounded to the nearest $1,000). The data are in the file IncomeDebt2022.xls. The research group now wants to investigate the relationship between debt and income.

(a) Construct a scatterplot of Debt vs Income, with Debt on the y-axis.

(b) Describe what the scatterplot in (a) suggests about the relationship between Debt and Income.

(c) Use Excel to find the least squares regression line for predicting debt based on income.

(d) Interpret, in context, the slope coefficient in the model.

(e) Give the value, and interpret the meaning, of the R Square.




Income Debt
319000 458000
71000 153000
33000 0
104000 98000
45000 83000
6000 13000
43000 50000
165000 200000
37000 40000
167000 270000
79000 110000
18000 13000
43000 65000
26000 35000
75000 108000
185000 283000
24000 13000
20000 33000
33000 80000
43000 40000
2000 0
124000 145000
85000 125000
0 0
126000 128000
6000 0
118000 28000
87000 125000
142000 128000
90000 80000
83000 125000
18000 35000
0 0
94000 153000
153000 245000
122000 28000
73000 100000
14000 3000
43000 18000
175000 200000
138000 135000
33000 70000
81000 40000
43000 50000
10000 23000
96000 123000
128000 190000
92000 148000
206000 350000
79000 143000
92000 155000
18000 23000
4000 8000
4000 0
171000 235000
149000 185000
128000 163000
118000 188000
10000 10000
22000 13000
81000 123000
187000 295000
201000 255000
81000 75000
18000 5000
6000 28000
45000 53000
293000 355000
41000 93000
31000 13000
85000 88000
16000 35000
75000 103000
238000 320000
120000 123000
212000 163000
67000 108000
212000 265000
18000 30000
193000 243000
126000 135000
128000 168000
8000 23000
57000 43000
146000 208000
106000 190000
63000 120000
71000 133000
214000 260000
71000 105000
193000 385000
201000 275000
102000 113000
18000 33000
71000 123000
169000 258000
87000 100000
61000 98000
96000 118000
228000 288000
79000 90000
12000 10000
191000 210000
0 0
8000 13000
18000 0
124000 158000
134000 210000
85000 123000
122000 155000
155000 178000
0 0
214000 238000
124000 88000
53000 80000
26000 30000
14000 20000
26000 28000
4000 0
126000 70000
49000 58000
20000 30000
81000 43000
55000 108000
33000 30000
61000 60000
120000 140000
110000 128000
90000 55000
61000 95000
47000 78000
33000 60000
71000 143000
41000 63000
85000 105000
159000 148000
53000 13000
100000 180000
63000 73000
79000 98000
85000 78000
55000 95000
6000 8000
136000 140000
14000 20000
26000 45000
132000 190000
116000 115000
108000 150000
41000 45000
6000 43000
4000 15000
94000 133000
47000 5000
100000 90000
6000 10000
67000 118000
47000 98000
291000 333000
128000 163000
8000 10000
24000 30000
98000 93000
2000 5000
33000 50000
51000 58000
39000 40000
49000 80000
31000 23000
195000 270000
6000 15000
69000 65000
26000 30000
4000 0
126000 145000
132000 183000
159000 293000
277000 358000
120000 93000
67000 120000
10000 33000
157000 205000
142000 140000
69000 90000
100000 55000
191000 200000
20000 33000
132000 165000
18000 25000
2000 0
37000 30000
112000 143000
210000 280000
22000 23000
0 0
108000 120000
28000 23000
104000 243000
63000 73000
120000 133000
151000 175000
35000 73000
63000 80000
39000 48000
85000 118000
108000 158000
92000 73000
85000 90000
6000 8000
22000 40000
63000 50000
59000 58000
79000 150000
163000 200000
20000 28000
134000 168000
12000 0
12000 10000
126000 155000
10000 18000
12000 5000
114000 113000
120000 120000
39000 48000
126000 105000
171000 213000
155000 183000
83000 133000
291000 355000
102000 113000
106000 98000
75000 135000
87000 133000
79000 95000
110000 110000
31000 43000
22000 35000
2000 5000
73000 118000
0 0
128000 243000
210000 228000
33000 50000
49000 55000
8000 15000
116000 175000
59000 120000
79000 98000
33000 60000
90000 110000
45000 78000
128000 160000
130000 170000
65000 103000
26000 38000
35000 50000
130000 160000
0 0
71000 95000
43000 68000
110000 115000
185000 320000
69000 83000
67000 100000
104000 165000
102000 80000
120000 118000
53000 60000
10000 13000
55000 85000
73000 140000
57000 73000
67000 95000
53000 63000
6000 20000
120000 118000
112000 158000
153000 193000
53000 48000
14000 18000
81000 13000
110000 130000
167000 250000
39000 55000
43000 60000
199000 185000
33000 30000
87000 73000
45000 60000
214000 258000
37000 33000
85000 113000
73000 123000
177000 200000
49000 70000
120000 180000
53000 73000
102000 70000
31000 55000
43000 33000