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Based on what you have learned this week, design a short test for a..

Based on what you have learned this week, design a short test for a nursing curriculum by using the following guidelines: In 1-2 paragraphs 300 words, explain a curriculum area that you would find in nursing program. Specify the purpose of your test. Is it formative or summative, and why? What is the curricular context that the assessment is focused on? Who is the audience? *You may use a curriculum area that you have already outlined in the week 3 assignment if you choose. List 3-4 learning objectives for that curriculum. Develop a test blueprint and 20 item test that includes each of the following types of test items and assessment strategies. Arrange the test considering principles of test construction. Include e appropriate directions throughout the test.

  1. Include the follow item types:
    1. True-false (2)
    2. Multiple-choice (2)
    3. Matching (2)
    4. Short answer/fill-in-the-blank (2)
    5. Multiple-response (2)
    6. Essay (2)
    7. Context dependent (2)
    8. Alternate format (2)
    9. Multiple-choice questions within clinical practice framework (2)
    10. Items of your choice (2)
  2. Compose test written so they reach both the lower and higher level student.