It is essential that today’s nurse educator recognize the needs of diverse leaners in a technologically advanced educational and healthcare environment. Planning is essential towards optimal learning, which incorporates specific and measurable objectives (cognitive, psychomotor, affective), innovative teaching strategies and well-designed evaluation methods. For this presentation, the learner will develop a lesson plan that addresses a population of interest and one healthcare activity that members of this population either should practice or are required to practice to maintain health. For example, you might identify adults with insulin-dependent diabetes who must self-inject insulin on at least a daily basis. The lesson plan should describe how a nurse might teach that activity. • Develop at least three objectives for the lesson plan, with at least one from each learning domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor). • Link a teaching or learning theorist or theory that would support the lesson/activity. o Detail how it is linked and why it is appropriate. • Identify and discuss three innovative teaching strategies that can be used to promote deeper understanding of the healthcare activity, recognizing the needs of diverse learners. At least one should be technologically based (social media, blog, wiki, web-cast). •
Home » Nursing Class Assignment Help » It is essential that today’s nurse educator recognize the needs of.
It is essential that today’s nurse educator recognize the needs of.
- by Jared Walker