order to explore the experiences of priority group populations with chronic illness, students are invited to choose one (1) priority group, one (1) chronic illness and exploration topic.
Priority group- first Nation Australian.introduction and description of the chosen priority population articulating the context, setting and rationale for the population being a priority for nursing.
Chronic illness- Mental Health. introduction and description of the chosen chronic illness articulating the priority and inclusion of the chronic illness in the NHPA plan.
Exploration topic- Explore the lived experience of the priority group you have chosen with the chronic illness you have chosen with the development of three (3) clear themes supported by evidence. introduction and description of the chosen exploration topic, articulating the intersectionality of the population, illness & topic.
Scholarly approach to the identification and intgegration of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and an ethical approach to using the ideas and academic work of others.
Can you please provide peer reviewed articles for referencing with in text within 5 years?
Please help me to make a headstart.really hard for me to understand these. Please also provide references which are peer reviewed and within 6 years. Thanks