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Please review the Discussion Board grading rubric on your Syllabus to understand how your posts will be evaluated

Please review the Discussion Board grading rubric on your Syllabus to understand how your posts will be evaluated. Your posts should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussion. You may view the Student Guide to Online Communication located in the Academic Tools tab above for additional information.

Initial Discussion responses should be around 150 words. Responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words. Outside sources are required and must be cited in APA format.

Case Study

Patient Name: Michael Turner

ID No. 016-0001

Date of Exam: 1-31-2013

Reason for Consultation: Hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation (p. 130, 4-13) left upper extremity and neck

HPI: 34-year old white male who suffered 25% TBSA full- and partial-thickness flame burns to bilateral upper extremities and neck after tripping and falling into a campfire 4 months ago. Patient was treated with Silvadene dressing changes and autograft with split-thickness grafts to the bilateral upper extremities and neck. The right and left thighs were used as donor sites and were treated with a single layer of petrolatum gauze. The donor sites have healed well. Right upper extremity graft site has healed without sepsis or excessive scarring. Left upper extremity and neck show hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation despite his wearing elastic pressure bandage.

PMH: Unremarkable except for onychomycosis of the toes

FH: Mother, age 68, with melanoma. Father, age 70, with HTN and seborrheic dermatitis

Allergies: NKDA

Medications: Neomycin ointment

Impression: Keloid formation left upper extremity and neck

Plan: Surgery to correct keloid formation, left upper extremity and neck

Now that you have reviewed all areas of this medical report focused on the integumentary system, please create a well-developed educational piece using layman’s terms to educate the patient on at least one medical term, procedure, diagnosis or treatment covered during their visit.

Guided response: Select a minimum of two initial posts from your classmates. Assume the role of the patient and ask further questions about the educational explanation of your medical visit which you would find vital to your good health going forward. Are there any terms that need clarifying? Do you have questions about the medications or follow up care?