- The Enrolled Nurse always retains responsibility for their actions and remains accountable to the Registered Nurse for all delegated functions. Enrolled nurses must function only within their education and competence limits. Discuss the scope of practice of EN in terms of medication administration.
- The Registered Nurse retains overall accountability and responsibility for the nursing care provided to his/her allocated consumers whether performed directly, in collaboration with or delegated to an Enrolled Nurse. Discuss the legal and regulatory frameworks that Enrolled nurses need to comply with medicine administration.
- The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care developed the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards to improve the quality of health service provision in Australia. The NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement of the level of care consumers should be able to expect from health service organisations. How do risk management influence prevention and control for Standard 3?
- List the rights of medication administration. How would you ensure that the rights are followed?
- Medication charts are legal documents and must be completed accurately and unambiguously to ensure clients receive safe and optimal drug therapy. Explain what constitutes a legal medication order.