Travel Expenses On 2 September 2021, Olivia travelled to Washington to attend the Law Society Annual Convention. The purpose of this convention is to discuss recent changes in law, discuss cases and form collaborations with partners in justice. Olivia believes that the convention will prove very useful for keeping up-to-date with recent developments in the area and to network with professional colleagues. Olivia personally paid all of the following costs relating to the convention. The costs of the overseas trip are detailed below (all amounts are expressed in Australian dollars): cost of obtaining a 64-page Australian passport 240 travel insurance 320 business class economy airfare from Brisbane to Washington and back * 7,750 5 nights accommodation at the Four Seasons 2,575 phone calls home to Fitz and the kids from hotel phone in room 74 convention registration fee 1,100 meals for five days while attending the convention 653 taxi fares to and from airports 350 "A" Reserve ticket to Hamilton 400 The dates of Olivia’s flight were departing Brisbane on 2 September 2021 and arriving in Washington on 3 September 2021, and then departing Washington on 8 September 2021 and arriving back in Brisbane on 10 September 2021. Olivia advises you that she has kept receipts for all of the above expenses and has kept the appropriate travel diary for taxation purposes. It comes to your attention that Olivia has chosen to fly business class from Brisbane to Washington and back. Based on your research, you discover that the Qantas economy airfare from Brisbane to Washington and back at that time was only $3.520.
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Travel Expenses On 2 September 2021, Olivia travelled to Washington.
- by Jared Walker